Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GWT & Java 6 are Now Working under Snow Leopard

On my previous article GWT does not Work with Snow Leopard, I wrote about some issues that I faced with the new version of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, and GWT framework. To refresh your memory, GWT framework does not work with Mac OS Snow Leopard because Mac OS Snow Leopard cames up with a 64-bit Java version by default, which is not compatible with GWT 1.7.0 and even any version of GWT.

With the new official release of GWT 1.7.1, now you can run GWT and Java 6 by using Java command line argument -d32 when you start GWT in hosted mode. For example, if you're using Google Plugin for Eclipse, you can add this argument on its settings, and GWT will be launched in hosted mode by using a 32-bit Java Virtual Machine.

Source: GWT 1.7.1 release fixes Mac OS X Snow Leopard issues by Andrew Bowers

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