Saturday, July 25, 2009

Moving to Houston

Dear readers,

It's been long time without writing on my blog. The thing is that I've been quite busy because I moved to Houston, TX last February. I moved to Texas for two reasons. The first one is because my girlfriend is living here, and as you know, it's better if you live close to the girl you love. The second reason is because Houston is cheaper than Atlanta. I looked for an apartment to rent while I was in Atlanta, and it's very expensive to rent an apartment in Atlanta. Before I decided to move to Houston, I studied carefully what the best option could be for me. Right now I'm a student, and I'm living on my own. So, I need to save some money in order to stay in the US for a long time. I have many goals that I want to achieve in the US, so I need to save money for that.

Well dear readers, I'm not gonna promise you that I'm gonna write frequently. Sometimes I don't have enough time to write about me and something else, like my blog says. Have really fun, and enjoy everyday of your life like it was your last day to live for.

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