Friday, April 18, 2008

Software Developer at e-Evolution S.C

Since February, I'm working at the e-Evolution S.C Company here in Venezuela. This Company is from Mexico and its functionalities are related to implementation, custom development, project management, business consulting of the ERP System called Adempiere.

ADempiere is an ERP System that was created in September 2006 after a long running disagreement between ComPiere Inc., the developers of Compiere™, and the community that formed around that project. The community believed Compiere Inc. placed too much emphasis on the open source lock-in/commercial nature of the project, rather than the community sharing/enriching nature of the project, and after an impassioned discussion decided to split from Compiere™ giving birth to the ADempiere project.

My main goal on e-Evolution S.C is to create a Web User Interface to operate Adempiere System through the Web by using GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

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