Friday, April 18, 2008

About GWT

With my new roles on e-Evolution S.C., I've been researched about this tool. I think GWT is one of the best open source framework that allows Java developers to easily develop AJAX web applications without learning the ins and outs of JavaScript and browser development.

GWT provides a Java API that lets you build component based GUIs while avoiding JavaScript, and abstracting the HTTP protocol and underlying browser DOM model. All of this achieved using the GWT compiler, which does not generate Java bytecode, rather it generates JavaScript! The GWT compiler takes your client side Java code and generates JavaScript. A compiled GWT application consists of fragments of HTML, XML and JavaScript. If you want to have your web application communicate with a web server, GWT has you covered as well. GWT has a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism that makes it easy for the client and server to pass Java objects back and forth.

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